The Senate or the House of Representatives may act notwithstanding any vacancy in its membership, and the presence or participation of any person not entitled to be present at or to participate in the proceedings of the House shall not invalidate those proceedings.
Home Nigerian Constitution Chapter 5. The Legislature Part 1 National Assembly B - Sumoning & Dissolution of NASS Chapter 5. Part 1. Section 61. Vacancy or participation of strangers not to invalidate proceedings

B - Sumoning & Dissolution of NASSPart 1 National Assembly
Chapter 5. Part 1. Section 61. Vacancy or participation of strangers not to invalidate proceedings
ByNigerian ConstitutionMarch 20, 20140
TagChapter 5. Part 1. Section 61 Download Nigerian Constitution National Assembly Nigeria Constitution Nigerian Constitution Procedure for Summoning and Dissolution of National Assembly The Legislature Vacancy or participation of strangers not to invalidate proceedings
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