Chapter 6 Section 158

Chapter 6. Part 1. Section 158. Independence of certain bodies

Chapter 6 Section 158

(1) In exercising its power to make appointments or to exercise disciplinary control over persons, the Code of Conduct Bureau, the National Judicial Council, the Federal Civil Service Commission, the Federal Judicial Service Commission, the Revenue Mobilisation and Fiscal Commission, the Federal Character Commission, and the Independent National Electoral Commission shall not be subject to the direction or control of any other authority or person.

(2) The National Population Commission shall not be subject to the direction or control of any other authority or person:-
(a) in appointing, training or arranging for the training of enumerators or other staff of the Commission to assist it in the conduct of any population census;
(b) in deciding whether or not to accept or revise the return of any officer of the said Commission concerning the population census in any area or part of the Federation;
(c) in carrying out the operation of conducting the census; and
(d) in compiling its report of a national census for publication.

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