Chapter 5. Part 1. Section 74, Download Nigerian Constitution, Elections to National Assembly, National Assembly, Nigeria Constitution, Nigerian Constitution, The Legislature, Time when alteration of senatorial districts or Federal constituencies takes effects
Chapter 5. Part 1. Section 74. Time when alteration of senatorial districts or Federal constituencies takes effects
Nigerian ConstitutionMarch 21, 2014
Where the boundaries of any Senatorial district or Federal constituency established under section 71 of this Constitution are altered in accordance with the provisions...
Chapter 5. Part 1. Section 73. Periodical review of Senatorial districts and Federal constituencies
Nigerian ConstitutionMarch 21, 2014
(1) The Independent National Electoral Commission shall review the division of States and of the Federation into Senatorial districts and Federal constituencies at...
Chapter 5. Part 1. Section 72. Size of Senatorial districts and Federal constituencies
Nigerian ConstitutionMarch 21, 2014
No Senatorial district or Federal constituency shall fall within more than one State, and the boundaries of each district or constituency shall be as contiguous as...
Chapter 5. Part 1. Section 71. Senatorial districts and Federal constituencies
Nigerian ConstitutionMarch 21, 2014
Subject to the provisions of section 72 of this Constitution, the Independent National Electoral Commission shall – (a) divide each State of the Federation into...
Chapter 5. Part 1. Section 70. Remuneration
Nigerian ConstitutionMarch 21, 2014
A member of the Senate or of the House of Representatives shall receive such salary and other allowances as Revenue Mobilisation Allocation and Fiscal Commission may...
Chapter 5. Part 1. Section 69. Recall
Nigerian ConstitutionMarch 21, 2014
A member of the Senate or of the House Representatives may be recalled as such a member if – (a) there is presented to the Chairman of the Independent National...
Chapter 5. Part 1. Section 68. Tenure of Seat of Members
Nigerian ConstitutionMarch 21, 2014
(1) A member of the Senate or of the House of Representatives shall vacate his seat in the House of which he is a member if – (a) he becomes a member of another...
Chapter 5. Part 1. Section 67. Right of Attendance of President
Nigerian ConstitutionMarch 21, 2014
(1) The President may attend any joint meeting of the National Assembly or any meeting of either House of the National Assembly, either to deliver an address on national...
Chapter 5. Part 1. Section 66. Disqualifications
Nigerian ConstitutionMarch 21, 2014
(1) No person shall be qualified for election to the Senate or the House of Representatives if: (a) subject to the provisions of section 28 of this Constitution, he has...
Chapter 5. Part 1. Section 65. Qualifications for election
Nigerian ConstitutionMarch 21, 2014
(1) Subject to the provisions of section 66 of this Constitution, a person shall be qualified for election as a member of: (a) the Senate, if he is a citizen of Nigeria...
Chapter 5. Part 1. Section 64. Dissolution and issue of proclamations by president
Nigerian ConstitutionMarch 20, 2014
(1) The Senate and the House of Representatives shall each stand dissolved at the expiration of a period of four years commencing from the date of the first sitting of...
Chapter 5. Part 1. Section 63. Sittings
Nigerian ConstitutionMarch 20, 2014
The Senate and the House of Representatives shall each sit for a period of not less than one hundred and eighty-one days in a year.
Chapter 5. Part 1. Section 62. Committees
Nigerian ConstitutionMarch 20, 2014
(1) The Senate or the House of Representatives may appoint a committee of its members for such special or general purpose as in its opinion would be better regulated and...
Chapter 5. Part 1. Section 61. Vacancy or participation of strangers not to invalidate proceedings
Nigerian ConstitutionMarch 20, 2014
The Senate or the House of Representatives may act notwithstanding any vacancy in its membership, and the presence or participation of any person not entitled to be...
Chapter 5. Part 1. Section 60. Regulation of procedure
Nigerian ConstitutionMarch 20, 2014
Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the Senate or the House of Representatives shall have power to regulate its own procedure, including the procedure for...
Chapter 5. Part 1. Section 59. Mode Of Exercising Federal Legislative Power: Money Bills
Nigerian ConstitutionMarch 20, 2014
(1) The provisions of this section shall apply to: (a) an appropriation bill or a supplementary appropriation bill, including any other bill for the payment, issue or...
Chapter 5. Part 1. Section 58. Mode of exercising Federal Legislative power: general
Nigerian ConstitutionMarch 20, 2014
(1) The power of the National Assembly to make laws shall be exercised by bills passed by both the Senate and the House of Representatives and, except as otherwise...
Chapter 5. Part 1. Section 57. Unqualified person sitting or voting
Nigerian ConstitutionMarch 20, 2014
Any person who sits or votes in the Senate or the House of Representatives knowing or having reasonable grounds for knowing that he is not entitled to do so commits an...
Chapter 5. Part 1. Section 56. Voting
Nigerian ConstitutionMarch 20, 2014
(1) Except as otherwise provided by this Constitution any question proposed for decision in the Senate or the House of Representatives shall be determined by the...
Chapter 5. Part 1. Section 55. Languages
Nigerian ConstitutionMarch 20, 2014
The business of the National Assembly shall be conducted in English, and in Hausa, Ibo and Yoruba when adequate arrangements have been made therefor.