The President may, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 147 of this Constitution, appoint for the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja a Minister who shall exercise such powers and perform such functions as may be delegated to him by the President, from time to time.
Home Nigerian Constitution Chapter 8 FCT, & Gen. Provisions Part 1 Federal Capital Territory, Abuja Chapter 8. Part 1. Section 302. Minister of Federal Capital territory, Abuja

Part 1 Federal Capital Territory, Abuja
Chapter 8. Part 1. Section 302. Minister of Federal Capital territory, Abuja
ByNigerian ConstitutionApril 10, 2014 1
TagAbuja Abuja and General Supplementary Provisions Chapter 8. Part 1. Section 302 Download Nigerian Constitution Federal Capital Territory Minister of Federal Capital territory Nigeria Constitution Nigerian Constitution
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It speaks of your Ibo name. Marvellous music and worship from a humble spirit-filled vessel. I play and dance your music and feel the anointing. I look forward to when the Lord will permit me to invite you for the dedication of my ministry permanent building and HQ by His Grace. I cannot stop playing this music of the soul; so enriching and calm. You have touched the Master’s heart. Keep it humble continually, be inspired and may he favour you. You made me proud to be Ibo, hearing an Ibo language with voice in good worship for the Lord; calm and really beautiful. My Father bless you and your family in Jesus name. Husband please look after this gem for Jesus. Haleluyah!!!!!